Monday, November 14, 2011

typography - module 3

The typography assignment was a interesting in the fact of making letters, words have a different spacing, font, making it oblique, having an over-line, or underline. One thing I did do was make some of my words blink. I don't know if anyone else made there words blink, but its a unique property within CSS to do. By changing the site from its original form it gives the form more of a unique look. This unique look can allow people to read more. That's what you want to accomplish when people come to your site. You want people to stay on you site and keep coming back. What things can you do to keep people reading articles on your site. You can make the form unique by modifying the CSS. However you don't want to modify it so much that people will lose interest. It will be hard for them to read etc. The original site Forgotten Inventors was very plan. There wasn't much form other than words with the original site. By modifying the CSS you are creating more form for the site.

1 comment:

  1. I like to think of CSS as a way of furnishing your website. Any shop or restaurant you enter, you know what you're going to see—chairs, desks, tables, uniforms, etc.—but you can sometimes be surprised by how you see it—colors, design, arrangement, ornamentation—and it's especially appealing when attention to detail has been paid not only the delivery of goods, but to their presentation as well. You get a sense of the product and the work that goes into making the product if design has been carefully constructed and deployed. I feel it's the same with content and interactive media online.
