Monday, November 28, 2011

Coloring The World Through Media

After reading article after article on color and the psychology of it, I found myself really enjoying the page detailing the meaning of colors - particularly when it comes to fashion, but in my research I stumbled upon an article looking at the symbolism in the movie Pleasantville and what the contrast of black and white against color meant. The movie had a real interesting take on looking at race relations and used color to simulate the segregation of the 1950's and 1960's well. Going even further, the movie decided that when a character would have some type of pleasure (usually sexual pleasure) or enlightening and growth experience, they would change from being portrayed in black and white to then being seen in color. It was a very interesting way to look at the evolution of society as it grows and learns new things: changing from a monochrome and boring black and white to an exciting and colorful new being.

It was really interesting seeing how influential color can be not only in the clothes we wear, but the houses we live in, the rooms in which we work and learn, the websites we view, and even the movies and television shows we watch.


  1. I mentioned Pleasantville in my essay paper.

  2. Good connection with Pleasantville and the use of color.

  3. Such a good movie to relate to this topic! Thank you for highlighting that in our discussion.

  4. I agree with Heather and Courtney, great movie to relate to the psychology of color - so many messages can be pulled from it. It's really interesting to think about color influencing us in everyday life (fashion houses, office spaces) but it is absolutely true. Color is all around us and we each have a response to it, whether good or bad.
