Monday, November 28, 2011

Color and the World

After writing and researching color and its physiological meaning, I now understand the importance that color has in our every day life and in web design. Color is vital to set a mood and feeling on a website. Knowing your audience can help you identify what colors to use on a web site. Different people can interpret colors in many ways so knowing your audience plays a strong role on developing an effective site.

In college, I took a flag studies class where I learned the true meaning behind the colors of Latin American and European flags. Many had similar descriptions to the colors of red and white however, there were few with total opposite description to these colors. I learned to respect and understand the natives of these countries simply by what they chose as a nation to identify these colors.

The most interesting thing to me in the readings was the “what the color means” article we read. I knew the majority of the colors meanings but I found shocking how in other countries a color could mean something totally different. Lets take China for example, many countries describe red as the color of blood, danger, labor but in china red means prosperity, happiness, and thriving life. The total opposite from the negative implication it has in many countries. Chinese brides wear a red dress to bring in a positive marriage and life to their journey when marrying.

This reading motivated me to continue to search the meaning of colors and its physiological impact around the world. Very interesting.


  1. I also thought the article on the meaning of color was interesting. I recently went to Jamaica where I learned about their flag and funny enough, theirs seems much more simple than other flags. the Jamaican flag used green to symbolize the land, black for the people and yellow for the sunshine. Other countries often have deeper meaning behind the colors in their flag, but this one is very straight forward.

  2. Lucky you to have had the opportunity to visit the beautiful island of Jamaica. Usually the simple flags have the intricate seals that follow with an in depth description of colors and images. I wonder if Black coloring on the majority of flags usually represents the people in the country. Its Google time!:-)
