Sunday, November 27, 2011

Global Color

Like everyone else, I really enjoyed the reading and assignments this week. My favorite being the history of color throughout the world; the different cultural meanings and how they have changed over the years. And how the meanings vary from culture to culture! In Asia, for example, orange is seen as a positive, spiritually enlightening color, while here in the US we associate it with road signs indicating hazards, traffic delays and inconvenience.

I did take one of the color psychology quizzes, and the results were a bit mixed. While it was on target for a few ("Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities.Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities."), other results weren't quite as accurate ("He is being forced to put happiness and pleasure on hold due to his limiting circumstances."). 


  1. I didn't think of orange for road signs like you did. I thought of leaves, pumpkins.

  2. When I see orange I think of some one who is jolly and citrusy . Odd but thats how I relate it to my life.

  3. I have to say, I agree with Matt on the reference to the color orange. In the US orange is very often used as a cautionary signal (ex. police tape). On the other hand, when thinking of the differences between warm and cool colors, I do think of orange in relation to autumn leaves. I suppose, like anything else, the context of our surroundings influences what we relate colors too though.

  4. Yes - not road signs so much as cones - and workers vests - and hunters vests - but absolutely a symbol to be careful.
