Sunday, November 27, 2011

The meaning of package colors at the grocery store

During my reading for how the human response to color is used in design I came across this article

Along with our other reading on what colors mean, this article was a bit more specific with some colors and why they are chosen. I found the fact that red and blue play off of each other so well and that like Pepsi and Coco Cola competitors will choose colors based on what their competitors colors are.

In the Color Psychology article by David Johnson, I found it really interesting that blue was not a top food package color for him. He said "While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing." When I was at the grocery store I looked around and was alarmed at how many blue packages covered the shelves. I think when the blue is used correctly it is not offensive or implies the food is bad. Also I think the color of blue chosen makes or breaks the consumers emotions on the package.

Overall I enjoyed learning about the means of colors, specially outside of the United States. It is important to have an understanding of the color scheme your market will get the most positive attention from.


  1. I agree the information on food packaging was shocking. Of course green is often used in foods and very appetizing but i was also shocked about the blue packaging.

  2. I've never thought about the colors that competitors use to stand apart from one another but it is definitely true - Pepsi and Coke are a great example of that. I have also noticed that there are many foods packaged in blue that are high selling items such as Cool Ranch Doritos, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and my personal favorite; Oreos. I often think the blue packaging is appealing, but I would not think the food in the packaging was appealing if it happened to be blue also.

  3. I think learning about the meaning of colors in other cultures was probably my favorite part of this module and agree it is important. Knowing that red means happiness and joy in China, while it implies passion and sexuality here for example is probably really good to know when designing!

  4. Definitely learning about other cultures was interesting. I don't want to block myself from knowing how others see color. It's fascinating and you can learn a lot from it.

  5. I liked the site on all the colors at the grocery store. Very interesting break down.

  6. I loved reading about the meaning of colors in other countries as well. I am now aware of how much color can impact someone from another culture. Do your research! We must!
