Sunday, November 27, 2011

So Many Colors. So Many Wonders.

Learning how humans interact with colors on a daily basis, all around the world, really opened my eyes. Even though as a society we can associate a specific emotion to a color, everyone's reaction and experience is going to be different. I've searched the internet for various readings and research done on this topic, and a lot offered much more than I expected.

I have to admit that the first link I opened to start preparing myself for this assignment was the "Colour Assignment" study. It went through the experimental process of gathering data, presenting it and delving into the science behind colors. It gave me a really good representation of color across the metrics of gender, age and language. The graphs easily depicted the data and conveyed the messages within.

What I learned from this assignment was that there is more to just knowing red, blue and green. The colors within, the colors that are formed and the way we interact with them on a daily basis is what matters. The psychology of color association and perception can be explained much more in detail than my 3,000 word essay. I've only touched the surface and dived a bit into the studies. From what I learned is that from society to society, our understanding of what color is, changes. Knowing how to adapt color into everyday design, and knowing the emotion it will produce is crucial in designing a solid piece of work.

A wave of light is powerful than we can ever imagine. Learning how to work with it is the real goal.


  1. Great point, I agree with you that the colors within the colors are important and the way we interact with each color will give more meaning. I also agree that every society is different in regards to color and what color means. Each country/culture practices a different meaning towards a particular color. I read that in Egypt yellow is the color for mourning. Black is the main color for mourning.

  2. It is true that it is near impossible to deal with the psychology of color in just 3,000 words. Books have been written on the topic. The assignment was eye-opening to the amount of academic work and scientific studies that have been done and are being done on color. It is a field unto itself

  3. It was really incredible to research how far back the study of color began. I read a few articles while researching that talked about the study of color as a healing strength dating all the want back to 1550 b.c. I too had a hard time explaining all that I wanted to get out in 3000 words. I was convinced that it was going to be difficult to reach 3000 words at first, but once I get started, I couldn't stop!
