Monday, November 21, 2011

First Grade on Steroids

While reading through our assignment on Color last week, I couldn't help but think about finger painting - mixing colors to make new ones, experimenting with different shades, adding white to lighten colors, etc. This thought was triggered specifically by the sections we read about color wheels. Color wheels are something that we've all grown up with. We're taught from an early age that primary colors are red, blue and yellow...and then next come secondary colors, and so on.

One thing that I never thought while learning my colors in elementary school, was how important they really are. I thought he most interesting section of reading was focused on the meaning of each color across cultures (thinking that yellow can stimulate metabolism did make me laugh though - only because there is a lot of yellow in my house). Throughout the reading, I realized how important color is to all aspects of design - architectural, web-design, fashion to name a few.

Adding color to the display type assignment was also fun and eye opening. I personally, edited my originals by adding color to see the difference between the 1st and 2nd batches. It was incredible that an addition of color could change the emotion that came from looking at each piece so dramatically. For example; adding a very light gray background and changing font color to light pink can truly evoke the sense of a whisper.


  1. Love the title Ashley. This section does feel like First Grade on Steroids in that we are using colors, but now understanding why, Great post.

  2. Nice post, I was also reminiscence of finger painting during this module.
    Color is one of the most powerful aspects of design, the right color will lead to the right emotions for your viewers.

  3. Thanks! I definitely have to say, I am really enjoying learning about the meaning of colors and why/where each is used.
