Friday, December 2, 2011

Zite: iPad Digital Magazine

Zite is a customized online digital magazine for the iPad. Once the application is first downloaded a screen pops up to choose topics you wish to read about and keep updated with. These topics will be saved and every time you open the Zite magazine articles will be pulled from different sources based on the topics of your choice.

I don't see to much of a difference in design approach between Zite and an online magazine that has a print counterpart such as People Magazine. Both online versions are packing in as more information and content as possible. The idea behind the online versions seems to be more of getting the information across rather than flashy. The big difference is that a site such as Zite is pulling articles from several sources rather than having writers of their own.

The only other non-convential design to this magazine is that you are picking the information you want to read. Of course in a print magazine you can skip over those stories but this magazine is specifically designed to only bring to you what you wish to know. I think this is a fantastic idea for producers. Finding the information you want with out the extra "garbage" has never seemed to easy. I think designers should attempt to bring new ground and bring in new ideas to magazines.


  1. I think the iPad magazines are really cool. I have seen a few that are totally interactive. There is one iPad newspaper that allows you to scroll over and click through articles to see differences in pictures and wording. Very interesting to play around with.

  2. I love Ipad magazines just because they display screen is huge (so it almost feels like the size of a real magazine) and the ability to have no clutter in my home:-)

  3. I love the theory behind Zite (you can see its promo video at I think Zite nicely straddles the transition from old to new by allowing readers to build their own magazine based on Interest without tossing the design of traditional magazines.
