Thursday, December 15, 2011

@ the end of our semester

As we get closer and closer to the end of this class I can't help but think of all of the useful information that we exchanged throughout the semester. I found myself using the information that we learned in my day to day work life (great feeling)!

I was wondering if this blog and all of the class material will be available after the class is over? I was also curious to know if anyone would be willing to share the projects that they worked on throughout the class with each other. I am more than willing to share the pieces that I've worked on. Feel free to contact me via my personal email or via twitter @asaunders678 anytime! Thanks for all the great knowledge share and conversation in this class.


  1. Great idea Ashley. I am at I am willing to share all.

  2. I love that idea Ashley! I am definitely willing to share my things. As I am finishing my final project right now I have that feeling that I actually learned things this semester and I loved it. I have never been so excited to hand in a project. You guys can contact me at!

  3. Hi Ashley, this blog will continue after the class. It's dedicated to only this semester's class, so there won't be any new classes adding to it. I would love to have people submit their work here. I only ask that you wait until the class officially ends at midnight tonight.

  4. Great idea. I'd love to see everyone's work (and after the holiday I may actually have a moment to spend looking them over!) Feel free to reach me here:

  5. I have to say, everyone here as provided great input during the class. I look forward to learning more from everyone's point of view. Also, can't wait to see what everyone did for their final project.

  6. I invite you all to link in with me on Linked In:

    My usual email address is Please stay in touch!
