Saturday, December 3, 2011

BAK Magazine

The online magazine I decided to go with was BAK Magazine. I actually stumbled upon this accidentally, but I was really glad I did. The design of this magazine is really impressive; vivid colors, eye-catching artwork and some interesting articles. Here is a cover shot of Issue 14:

The design approach of this "cover" is similar to that of any print magazine--an attractive graphic, the magazine name and information about the articles inside. The next page offers a letter from the editor, the layout being just like a print magazine,
Something you will notice on this page as well is that this magazine is bilingual--English and Turkish. I'm sure about anyone else, but this is the first time I have come across this and I am a bit impressed with this unconventional approach.

As you browse through the rest of the magazine there are plenty of impressive graphics and great articles and interviews. The articles/interviews design and layout are quite similar to what it would look like if it did have a print counterpart.
The design approach in BAK is very different from, for example, the digital version of National Geographic. With National Geographic, most of the design detail and attention is given to the print version. In the print you find larger photos, a variety of color and a variety of font. With the online version, you find a fraction of the design effort. In BAK, since this is the only version, all design effort is put into the digital version. I'm not sure that BAK is really taking away any 'conventions' from the print magazine genre. It keeps the same design format as a regular print, but gives it a bit more edge and creativity. I think more designers should go this route and print magazines could take a lesson on how to make their digital counterparts more interesting and exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. I never heard of BAK, but I like the way they keep the style of a traditional magazine - but doesn't ignore the possibilities of the new media.
