Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thanks Everyone

I enjoyed this class more than I thought I would.  I think of web designers as artists.  I have never considered myself as an artist.  So I wasn't sure how I would do or what I would get from the course.  What I ended up getting is a deep appreciation for design.  Although I thank the Professor for that, I also thank all of my classmates.  It was both motivational and inspirational to discuss the course and its theories  
and to see and admire your work.  I am proud to be among you and can't wait for our next adventure together.

closing thoughts

It was great this past semester working with everyone. I have learned a great deal regarding how web sites are constructed. I now have a good understanding of form and function and how each component works together. Learning about the various font styles and how those styles started. Taking a look at the balance and symmetry of a web site design. Having a understanding of color. What colors will work well together, which colors won't works as well together. The meaning of each colors etc. One of the assignments I did like was comparing magazine vs. web.

I also learned how to work with Photoshop which I have never worked with before this semester. I would like to wish everyone best of luck and to have a nice holiday.

Dave Kalkanoff

module 8 recap.

Creating the banners was a good way to learn how type can go over images. What you have to be careful of is having to bright of an image that you won't be able to see your text properly. You can put all the various effects on it, but if your image is to bright it won't work well together. One of the other challenges was to not only have an example of heathy eating, but and example of exercise as well in the small banner area. I felt that it could have been to clutter with to much stuff. From the example; Prof. Travis showed us there were some good ones. Heather's I really liked yours, the color combinations were really great. Here's one I did that I would like to show everyone. It was very simple where the text didn't go over an image. I was being creative with the colors.

my web page prototype 12/17/2011

Here is my modified web site of the Chicago Tribune.

sounds good

Sure, I would love to share.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

@ the end of our semester

As we get closer and closer to the end of this class I can't help but think of all of the useful information that we exchanged throughout the semester. I found myself using the information that we learned in my day to day work life (great feeling)!

I was wondering if this blog and all of the class material will be available after the class is over? I was also curious to know if anyone would be willing to share the projects that they worked on throughout the class with each other. I am more than willing to share the pieces that I've worked on. Feel free to contact me via my personal email or via twitter @asaunders678 anytime! Thanks for all the great knowledge share and conversation in this class.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Minute Maid Article

I found this article on Brand Packaging and found it very interesting to see the process of how designers created the Minute Maid look. Through design and research designers choose a look that was appealing to new customers as well as existing customers.

This article is a great over view of what happens doing package design and how companies look at past and future consumers in the designing process.