Friday, October 28, 2011

what is more important: form or function..Joselia Padilla

After reading about the phrase “form follows function” by Louis Sullivan, I feel that both form and function is needed to construct a successful project. Yet, I feel that function carries a little more weight then form, simply because with out function a form cant be created.

Would you design a big oddly shape rock and place it on display without it having a purpose? Do we do anything in our daily lives without a purpose? Even if we had in mind a design we will still have to give it a purpose. Knowing the function of a potential project helps us think of ways to create a form that can carry out its function accurately.

However, I also feel that a great designer can create anything (form/shape/method) and later insert the concept of the function into the design. Although this may be considered working backwards, according to Sullivan’s principles that form should always follow function. It may be more chaotic this way, but the choice will ultimately be in the hands of the designer. There is no wrong or right answer. You can start a project with a blueprint in mind or by what you would want it to do.

In the end, the project would be crafted by what the designers’ principle are and if s/he were smart s/he would balance the two elements of Form and Function.


  1. Your comment about "working backwards" reminded me of my first package design I did outside of college. I was handed a project to design a package for super glue, I was so excited because this was my first big project. When it came time to critique my concepts, my team was not impressed. My designs were beautiful and eye catching however they would not apply to the consumer market that would see them. If I had known the consumer market I would have designed packages that looked completely different, equally pretty, just a lot different. For me in my overall work as a designer it is very time saving to know the function of the project before you begin.

  2. You say, would you design a big rock and place it on display without it having a purpose. Well I can understand where you are going with this thought, isn't this what many artists do. Artists make sculptures often without a thought or inspiration in mind. These sculptures technically don't have to serve a function unless you consider the function the beauty of it on display.

  3. The one problem I can see happening is that if a designer creates a shape or method, to accomodate that space may not be certain. Would that be just a waste of time and effort?

    But I do agree about the balance. At first, weigh function a little more than form, but then be able to mold form into function.

  4. I definitely feel that there should be some idea of function in mind when designing the form of an item. It would be difficult to create a piece of art without some sort of function (whether it be to show the artists emotion or provoke thought from the audience). Though I think this, I also believe that good form is essential in order to attract and audience that will appreciate function.
