Sunday, October 30, 2011

Form and Function

Form tells us what things are and exposes us to the visual aspect of design. Function is the intended purpose of something and its reason for existing. With these definitions in mind I think function is more important. A website may exists (form) but the purpose of that website is what is important to viewers (function).

In “Form vs. Function: Finding the Balance,” Nick Finck says, “Large corporate sites are often packed with functionality, as one can usually find any information needed on them.” He explains that corporate websites aren’t always visually appealing but they contain all the information that one needs. It is pleasant to open a website and have it easily accessible but what is contained on that website is the bigger picture.

I do believe that it is possible to design with only function in mind. When designing a website people know what information they want to have exposed to everyone but don’t always know the layout beforehand. Form helps guide the eye on a website but function is what provides the information. In “What Came First-Form or Function?,” Abhijit Nadgouda says, “function serves as a guide to design the form.” Navigational buttons and aesthetics will help the flow of a website but the true idea behind it is its function, the reason that the website was built. If you take away function and all you have is form, then you remove the reason for building the site in the first place.


  1. Stephanie - I like the Nick Finck quote. It is not just corporate sites where design bows to function. Look at all successful sites - Google and Facebook are #1 and #2. The design is a white background - a logo - and a quick path to information. Both form and function are simple and easy.

  2. I am a big fan of the Abhijit Naudgouda quote "function serves as a guide to design the form." In my professional I am a follower of this quote. Without function I would not have a base for the form I create. I would not know what my audience is or what to show the audience of the product I'm creating a form for.
