Friday, October 28, 2011

Form vs. Function who’s more important?

Function appears slightly more important it is the purpose. Understanding the function sets the base for the form. Without the guidelines of the function the form could never achieve its best. Form has the beauty and the eye-catching appeal that will gain attention but without function doesn’t exist.

When Gary Dickson mentioned passion in his article I thought isn’t that a function? An artist may say they create their art because they are passionate about it. Can someone’s passion for art be his or her purpose for creating art? With their balance of passion/function and art/form they produce magnificent pieces.

In the end both form and function are equally important. Initially function appears to be the base of the project nonetheless form display the primary purpose. When both are equally portrayed an exceptional piece whether it be print or web is produced.


  1. After having some discussions with my college buddies, I realized that Louis Sullivan might have been right. I was arguing my point that a great designer is able to construct a form and then implement its function. There were 3 creative people in the room, although they agreed, they stated that the smartest way to start a project is by knowing that “form follows function”. After giving it some thought, I realized they are absolutely right. I guess I was speaking from a non-designer point of view and a rebel to society whom believes that we should follow our hearts and not others views or principles. After all, we do live our lives by learning from others, and many learned from Sullivan’s statement. I wish I had this discussion prior to writing my paper. ☹

  2. Well I do agree with some points you say I am not sure if I agree that function is slightly more important than form. It is my perception that function can't exist without form. In this sense I would say they are equally as important.

  3. I do think there has to be a balance between form and function. I agree that function does set the foundation on which the form is built upon. Still, you need a pleasing form to attract someone in using it.

  4. I do think that function is necessary to create form but I also believe that form is the most important element of an item's design. Without form there is no appeal and without appeal there is less use of specific function.
