Saturday, October 29, 2011

Heather Kick- "Form Follows Function" Debate Continues...

Form follows function is logical and simple...and right.

As one of my classmates stated already, "you need a purpose for design to even exist." With function you have a direction, you have purpose, you have objectives, motivations, and an angle. All of this, while targeting the functionality of design,  can also provide direction for form. If you need to design a website for fine wine, why not have the navigation tiered like a wine rack? This is an example of how function (website for fine wine) directs form (the wine rack navigation).

Can form direct function? Not likely. If you start with the idea that you want a red background and text in a white cursive script, well that's great. What will the text be about? What is this for? It'd be very difficult to draw function from form.

However, given my examples above, as form must follow function, function and form cannot exist without each other. And I'll quote from my first assignment here: " I don’t believe anyone is arguing whether form can exist without function or vice versa. For the record, it can’t. Even if no thought is given to make a site visually stimulating, the site ultimate will come out with a look. is a perfect example. There is limited effort given to the way information or searches are portrayed. But even in a functionally driven site, a look is formed. And that look has become part of craigslist’s identity. Therefore, has form. Likewise, a site does not exist without function. Even if the function is to offer a canvas of creativity, then that in itself is the function. "


  1. Audrey, great points here. I agree that form and function can not exist without each other. No matter what the function of something, it still has some sort of form, and no matter what the form of something, it stills has some sort of function - no matter how abstract either is.

  2. What if a blog spot is bought, like we did in 501, but nothing is on it. You own the name but have not done anything with that site. Is that form standing on its own or is that form serving a function?

  3. Although I agree with most of what you said, I will disagree that form can't direct function. And I didn't even think of this until I read your post - so thank you. But if a rock is the form it exists before its function of using it to break open a can - its form directed function.
