Sunday, October 30, 2011

Form And Function - Larry Mendte

"What is more important, Form or Function?"  It is like asking what if Hydrogen or Oxygen is more important in the composition of water.  It matters little what you consider more important, as both are necessary; both interact, compliment and support each other as means to an end.  

If you take the question at its face, it is possible to argue that form is more important.  For a form can exist without a function, but a function cannot exist without form.  But a form, lets say lint, without a function makes it inconsequential, and thus by definition unimportant.

I know the very exercise can get silly.  But no more silly that the over analysis of the simple fact stated by Louis Young that "form follows function."  Of course it does, it must.  The argument seems to be based purely in semantics and usually the maligned definition of the word "form" to mean "art."  For function to become reality it must take form and form must follow making both equally important in the process for neither would exist without the other.

"Is it possible to design with only the function in mind?"  The easy answer would be "of course."   The aggregation news site" The Drudge Report"  comes to mind as a site that seems to be designed purely for function.  It is stark and simple.  All function and little design.

But when you hear that The Drudge Report had to defend the copyright of its design several times, you understand that the simplicity of the design was and is artistic.  The shadowed block letters give the feeling of importance.  The sole picture at the single large picture at the top catches your attention.  And the black newsprint on white mirrors the newspapers the articles are lifted from, giving comfort to the news searcher.  

And so the answer is again one of semantics.  If the function of a site is whittled to its most basic purpose, than no it is not possible to design with only function in mind.  Function is just a starting point.  But if you broaden function to mean marketing, comfort, ease, feel and connecting with an audience, then yes.  In fact, form then becomes function.  



  1. Larry I tend to look at function as the more important of the two f's. After reading your post your point where form is very important since function can not exist with out the form makes me rethink my original thought.

  2. Larry I think you make some very good points. I always thought of form as being complex and showy but you have proven otherwise. A simplistic sight like The Drudge Report truly does have an artistic form to it just not in the way I imagined. Thnk you for opening my eyes to other possibilities.
